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"Education is about wonder, marvel, life and light. It is the joy and work of a lifetime."

Dr. Kerry Koller, 1941-2020


In 1981, Dr. Koller co-founded Center Journal, a Christian scholarly quarterly, and simultaneously helped launch Trinity School at Greenlawn. Over the following years he helped take Trinity from a small school in South Bend to a nationally-recognized, award-winning institution which introduced thousands of students to the good, the true, and the beautiful. Under his leadership, Trinity established campuses in Eagan, MN, and Falls Church, VA, along with a curriculum model used for numerous schools throughout the country. In the following years, he was Head of School at every campus and was named President of Trinity Schools. In 2017, he retired after 36 years of service and was named President Emeritus. He was writing a book on the moral imagination when he died.

Dr. Koller was an educational leader whose impact upon the national landscape cannot be overestimated. His vision for Trinity Schools was for a Christian education rooted in human awakening and aimed at the pursuit of the true, the good and the beautiful. Through his work with Trinity Schools, in conversations with other educational reformers, and by assisting private schools, charter schools, and charter school networks across the country, Dr. Koller has impacted thousands of students.

History of Trinity Schools



“Kerry’s approach was also incredibly empowering for those of  us who were blessed to work with him. If you were part of the conversation, you  were really part of the conversation. You would be taken seriously, but you would  also be challenged for evidence and held responsible for your ideas.”

John Kurdelak, Executive Director of Trinity Academy



“Whenever Kerry was in the room, it was abuzz with interesting conversation and it was out of this mustard-seed of a hovel that the Trinity community of learners was born. Creating a culture enlivened by serious and challenging dialogue came as naturally to Kerry as a fish swimming in water.” 


Bridget Donohue, Long Time Colleague



“Kerry led us all in a commitment to the pursuit of truth not as an abstract set of propositions, but as a way of life. Kerry has left a legacy of education as an antidote to the default alternatives we see all around us. Kerry consistently bore witness to education as human awakening – for himself, for the faculty, and for his students. He showed us all that one can live a life of wonder that does not cease.”

Jon Balsbaugh, President of Trinity Schools

“When I heard Kerry speak about the habitual vision of greatness, I began to realize what was at stake: a vision of humanity, a way of looking at reality, that is wider, broader, deeper, than I had my sights on.  It is a vision that is built day in, day out, built over time with habits of mind, habits of heart — working, reaching, delighting in things that are wonderful and rich and true.  Kerry was the embodiment of this vision.”

Mary Faith Hall, Class of `1987